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Open Call Academy for Rhythmorphology (ARm) # 1

Rhythm makes form. The tidal rhythms create time for rest and movements. Between the 10th and 17th of June, 2022, we will follow the flows and ebbs of the tide at the shores of Slettnes in Sápmi. We will study the rhythms of the tide and the forms they create through sensing, recording, measuring, storytelling and ritualizing.

Pulled by the moon the tidal wave (ca. 12 hrs 25 min) is the prime driving force behind the tidal rhythms. Tuning into the tide is to attune our clock oriented bodies with the rhythms of the moon on the Arctic polar day. A rescaling of the tidal pull to the tidal pool offers an opportunity to observe and think through sensorial, spatial and semiotic entanglements.

This workshop will be conducted as a shared exploration with introductions, responses and individual research time. To be able to recognize the different forces and voices in the tide, as a starting point, we will identify and name them.


Marte Aasis a photographer and film maker. Aas´ main area of interest is the intersection between contemporary image culture, history, technology and landscape. Her work attempts to address underlying structures and gestures that form political and ideological narratives. The different subjects of interst visualizes in the form of films, photographs and installations, folding them into non-linear and layered narratives.

Marielle van Dop is photographer who lived for a year in Slettnes Lighthouse in 2014-2015, to photograph and write. After that year, she decided to move permanentlyfron the Netherlands to Norway and make a new life in the village near Slettnesfyr: Gamvik. In the Netherlands she taught, among other things, nature-awareness for more than 15 years. It is the primal nature in the very north that attracts van Dop and during long walks together with her dog Laila, she seaks to connect and communicate as well as take photos and and write about her experiances with her surroundings.

Miriam Jakob

Where? Slettnes Lighthouse in Gamvik Municipality at The Nordkinn Peninsula, the northernmost tip of Norwegian mainland.

When? Between the 10th and 17th of June, 2022, in the period around the full moon on the 14th of June, which leads up to the Summer Solstice.

Organisers & navigators: Signe Lidén, Arjen Mulder and Hilde Methi.

Contact Information: Hilde Methi,