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Tidal Naming

Water Resistance. Interesting Sonic Acts discussion on rivers and the struggles of people living near water (Ameneh Solati on the people of the marsh lands in south Iraq, Menna Agha on the Nubians along the Nile). Menna Agha mentions the 'naming' of the different sounds and rhythms that Nubians did when they talked about the water wheel, their central technology.

Rhythm Theory

Brian Massumi on life forms (vitality affects) and rhythm. Part of the book 'Information Is Alive' I edited with Joke Brouwer in 2003.

Massumi's text is on p. 142 - 151. the link:


The Tidal Zone

The Tidal Sense

The Tidal Sense, radio broadcast:

The Tidal Sense (I), podcast accompanying the art project The Tidal Sense and seminar "Thinking Tide, Sensing Scale"

Reference Texts